Health and Safety

Innovation in Health and Safety

How simple, smart changes are making two Teck operations safer and healthier places to work.

Innovation doesn’t have to involve big, new or expensive technologies. In fact, the best innovation is sometimes the result of simply finding a better way to work.

This was certainly the case at Line Creek Operations and Highland Valley Copper, where cross-functional teams worked to implement simple, smart changes that make their work safer and healthier.

Reducing Dust Exposure

Many jobs in the mining industry encounter the hazard of dust or particulate exposure. The dust particles that are most concerning are extremely small and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Consider the average width of a human hair—50 to 70 microns—compared to respirable particles that are about 2.5 microns. When inhaled, longer-term exposure to these particles can pose a risk of occupational disease.

Single-Lift Stockpiles at Highland Valley Copper

The project team at Highland Valley Copper found an innovative solution to reducing exposure to dust generated by handling material called stemming, which is put inside of a blast hole to help prevent gases from escaping. This activity produced large amounts of fine dust, creating an exposure hazard for equipment operators and blasters.

By taking a closer look, the team realized that stemming material was being pulverized when loaders were driving onto multi-layer stockpiles. After a careful and collaborative review, a simple solution was identified: if they limited stockpiles to a single lift, the amount of fine dust generated would be significantly reduced and, as a result, the risk of exposure would drop dramatically.

This is an example of prevention through a change in operational practice.

Pipe Assembly Facility Redesign at Line Creek Operations

The project team at Line Creek Operations found an innovative solution to reducing exposure to dust generated by cutting hydraulic hoses, an activity that creates potentially harmful particulates.

To do so, they worked with the Health and Safety team to design a new pipe assembly facility, complete with exposure reduction controls and exhaust ventilation that interlocks with the saw. The latter prevents the saw from running without ventilation, and effectiveness testing, also built in, ensures the system continues to function well.

This is an example of prevention through design.

Thank You

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Many thanks to those who contributed to and participated in this issue of Connect:

Catherine Adair, Community Relations Leader, Trail Operations; William Albornoz, Heavy Equipment Operator, Quebrada Blanca; Barbara Brice, Senior Human Resources Generalist, Pend Oreille Mine; Kimberley Christensen, Analyst, Technology and Innovation, Vancouver office; Solange Dussaubat, Superintendent, Water Resources, Santiago office; Rodrigo Ferreira, Communications Specialist, Social Responsibility, Quebrada Blanca; Keith Klimchuk, Senior Environmental Specialist, Trail Operations; Chris Lane, Senior Geologist Supervisor, Line Creek Operations; Keith Mayhew, Manager, Technology and Innovation, Vancouver office; Eli Mitchell, Surface Crew, Red Dog Operations; Lawrence Watkins, Vice President, Health and Safety, Vancouver office; Verna Westlake, Community Investment Coordinator, Public Relations, Red Dog


On the Cover

Copper wire like that shown on the cover is used in electrical equipment and devices because of its high conductivity. From a large skyscraper to the stove in your kitchen, copper wiring is needed to transmit electricity that powers our day-to-day lives.



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